NComputing offers technologies that share the unused power of today’s powerful computers with its patented UxP (User Extension Protocol).
NComputing is the fastest growing desktop virtualization company in the world, with more than 70,000 customers and 20 million daily users in 140 countries. We serve customers large and small, in diverse markets with varying use cases across education, government, healthcare among others.
With innovative and award-winning technologies, NComputing brings customers an impressively quick ROI with economical, high-performance desktop virtualization solutions.
- Share one hostserver upto 100 users and more
- Install all applications one time on one host server and save time
- No need to spend time for OS and HW problems
- No need HW renewals
- Reduce virus and security riscs with central usage
- Low maintanence costs

Stratodesk has been a specialist in “thin” endpoints for years – all our products are centered around VDI – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. Our primary product and core competency, NoTouch Desktop™, is a hardware agnostic operating and management environment for Server Based Computing / Virtual Desktop / Terminal Services / Remote Desktop environments. We complement server-side solutions from Citrix, VMware, and others on the client side.